My Collection: Stromberg Carlson 1704 1A2 Telephone

image of a front view of a Stromberg Carlson 1704

Here is a special something I have teased on the social media platforms. I found this ol relic on eBay in late July. Was this a corporate phone to Big Blue? Does it work? Can it work in dumb mode?

I’ll share video to followers especially ones on Pateron. That video is in the process of getting cut up on my Avid workspace, should have a final cut soon!

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POTD: Avaya CallMaster IV

Today’s Phone of the Day is a retake of the CallMaster IV terminal for the use of Avaya enterprise grade PBX systems. These are not telephones, and they are not attendant consoles and while there is an apparent resembelence of the Call Director, these sets would not be used for “answering centers” since Voice mail had taken many of those roles anyways.

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Avaya 4424 Digital Telephone

A detailed review on the 4424 and how it only works on non Enterprise Avayas plus the difference in TUI  between the Magix and IPO in a future post in 2025.

This picture shows a phone in my own collection. This is an Avaya 4424 Digital Telephone. This phone was originally used in the Merlin Magix series of KSUs. They look like their other digital phones, the difference is the form factor, where the built in microphone is located (on the lower right where there is two holes), and its ring tones. The “menu” keys may appear to use a similar TUI like in the larger systems, but it works differently.

That’s if you have it tied into an IP Office system, and then it works just like the larger PBXs.

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