Change Log

Version 0.3.6 (” “)

Attempted to get Forms to function to introduce PhunCo – the private telephony service to the trusted followers of TMOT – a go-live date is still in the works.

Version 0.3.5 (” “)

The entire WordPress site linking to has been purged including it’s backups! Hopefully I had downloaded a copy before I realized that was part of the database, but it was buggy anyways. and no significant loss of data (if that!)

This URL will be in holding to migrate back once everything here is all-ready to rock and roll back when that time comes!)

Version 0.3.0 (02-20-2025)

  • Pictures are not “lost”, they’re misplaced. Lots of dead images were downloaded from the original host, but then didn’t redirect the images to the new host. This may happen again when I migrate back to the proper URL. Developed a quick workflow in the GUI editor to get things back on ASAP
  • For all the images that have been found, the My Collection section and tag has been reposted to it’s original date
  • Some Telephony 101 has been reposted
  • And… my favorite “the voice of Voicemail” (well not so much in 2025) has been reposted.
  • Instagram relaunch planned by the end of the month
  • In the My Collection page, it was originally pasted from Pages, pushing a Helvetica through device that has it installed. When testing a Windows 10 machine with Chrome, the font was subsisted. These grids will be repasted with Verdana, to please the two major operating systems. If you use Linux or another workstation, then the chances of you liking plain text is a you-issue and your eyes have already gazed over with my artistic explanation.
  • Links is being a diva, since I am not trained in Gutenberg…

Version 0.2.0 (01-08-2025)

  • Removed all posts, and reimported them. Missing 2019 to present, will find another way to reincorporate them.
  • All comments from 2012-2019 have been reinstated from the original XML code from
  • Various public-facing low res photos have been uploaded for future use (DO NOT USE THESE FOR STOCK OR EBAY PHOTOS!)
  • My Collection hard page updated
  • Individual posts from My Collection (it also is a section too) has been updated with repairs to “broken images” linking to TMOT’s old paths
  • Focusing on fixing some of the broken Metadata
  • Update from 0.1, on January 7th, the Facebook fan-page to TMOT was “activated” and is treated by Meta almost as a Facebook profile (previously went to “unpublished” under the old Pages system)

TEST site inception 1/07/2025 (version 0.1)

  • created a revised My Collection with cell formats
  • added a collection of Switching
  • Focus on the new website is my collection
  • Removing all references of enterprise PBX and VOIP, and redirecting it my personal site
  • Glossary is not published (yet)