The C-NET for the fun and cool kids!

The Phone Company for Fun and Games aka PhunCo

In Mid 2025, a go-live date is to launch a telephony service, a private telephony service to no one else but my community! It will be based off one my Asterisk PBX instances, and you can call your fellow people! There are no limits per number (if you want to tie other phones or systems or SIP lines, go to your heart’s content!)


  • It’s hosted on Business Class Internet (the whole world is open from within, but don’t get any ideas, any critical systems are completely on a different connection and host) This means you get high uptime (unless Eversource does something unforgivable lol!)
  • Running on an alternative distro
  • There are blocks of numbers for Dial-A-Joke and customers of all shapes and sizes

Register below:


PhunCo Registration
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First letter of the last name is sufficient
This is considered to be business and compliant with Clickford data retention policies and as treated as confidential. This will be used to provide connection information and an electronic contact.
You're given the option because it's Asterisk based system, some prefer to connect directly through Inter-Asterisk Exchange or IAX or the trusty Session Initiation Protocol or SIP, depending on what mileage works for you. Some hard and softphones support IAX despite it being more of a direct trunk between two Asterisk instances
Currently it will be a seven-digit number, but you can choose the last four numbers starting from 1000-9999. If you are going to want to have a block of numbers, please provide the number and your ranges, currently we reserve a block of 10 per subscriber
Preferred style is "/s/ [your full name] /s/" You agree this system would be in violation to FCC rules regarding on premise telephone systems (spec. Kari's Law and the Ray Baum Act) and will not save you in an emergency or should be used for critical voice services. This service prohibits any access to a Public Switched Telephone Network or PSTN. Any attempts to create backdoors to a PSTN from the subscriber will result in potential terminiation or restriction of DIal Tone. You agree that your public-facing IP address will be recorded for security purposes and any violation to the peace of the community will result in disconnection of dial tone, and further action may result. Access to this platform is a privilege not a right, and you agree you take this privilege seriously