New York Telephone Memento

Today is March 32nd. I just wanted to be funny to make light of an ongoing depressing situation.

I’ve been meaning to post this for a long time. Took this in 2017. An acquaintance of mine had brought this in and I took a picture of it. Not sure what it is, but at the time the joke was a “Participation Trophy” before there was one.

I want to explain why I am closing the site for new stuff with this random thing. This email meant alot to me because as I had previous posted on being a slave to technology and it controlling me, a lot of times my “signature” is never noticed, and people just write it off for the various reasons that is not worth mentioning. I barely knew this individual at the time in 2016. Names are withheld to protect the innocent…and I feel it should end on a human note, because this site was here to tell stories.

I can tell that you put a lot of passion into your website. Building a website can be challenging.

It’s all about managing content that added the challenge. This has not been a “blog” since 2014. I digress…

When I was a child, we lived in Long Island, NY and my father worked for NYNEX [New York Telephone] in New York City. When my father was 18-19 years old or once he finished high school, he actually crossed picket lines during a strike and joined the company (at least how I perceived the story when I was a child). At first, he was responsible for installing phone lines in various residences throughout Queens. He was also responsible for cutting off phone lines for delinquent accounts and he had a lot of interesting stories based off of this. He also used to work on phone lines on the poles. Eventually, he worked his way up and became a foreman and then a manager before he transferred up the NH [New England Telephone]. Unfortunately, he passed away because I would love to ask him more questions about what he did.

Other parts of this email also mentioned he collected telephones too. Given he was a lineman, I found that interesting especially on Social media (TCI’s group, etc) where a lot of old collections seem to come from these types of folks.

With that marks the end as we know it. Thanks for the ride friends, followers, lovers and haters combined.


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