We’re back in business on the ‘Gram that I put on abbreviated dial that I call Instagram!
I’m not in college, and nor do I intend to. I happen to visit Southern New Hampshire University on a semi frequent basis with meeting some great people. (SNHU if you are not aware is in fact is a non profit university that happens to be in Southern New Hampshire, for those people who learn over the Internet from say someplace like Las Vegas and claim they are an SNHU student/grad/alumni.)
Apparently it’s called by an acronym internally, while on national advertisements that air on cable networks as S-N-H-U. Due to their Internet classrooms, this gave them the finance to grow the Manchester campus like crazy. They have built dorms, new study halls, a new library, and even dorms that comply with the needs of high functioning autistics for sensory and alike!
Located on the fringe of the most northern point of River Road in Manchester, most of the university is also located in the adjacent town of Hooksett. From the looks of noticing some phones in offices, there are Avaya Blue 1100 series and while I visited the library another time, I saw analog 2500 sets. Not sure if they are on Centrex or they have a CS1000 software/server based PBX or what. I am going to assume the latter only because there are few providers that use DMS in this region if not at all. FairPoint (the primary LEC has been on legacy 5ESS switching) and other carriers may have already abandoned non Lucent equipment.
The set you see is a B100 series conference phone from Avaya. I don’t know the model officially, but for the hell of it let’s call it the B149 set. Reading the flipping spec sheet it screams Nortel (notice Page 3 on the Platform support and the shorthand name for “Release”.) Avaya Red wouldn’t do that s—!
This set should be nominated for the Ugliest Conference Telephones Alive. They look cute, but the interface or just the size is too much. Granted the marketing collateral could make these things larger than what it appears, but it’s still too bulky and not flat like I dunno the Polycoms? I know some do not like Polycoms and there have been some disruptors and I guess to give customers choice. Mitel conferencing sets look like something out of a Star Wars flick.
Remember this site always looks after the user, it’s not how pretty it looks, it’s all about how the user can be able to place calls and conference. I bet the friends I hang out would just use Snap or some other Internet hogging app instead.