This is the cordless phone at the hipster hotel I had stayed when I was in New York City back in October. As you can tell it’s one of those Teledex, analog sets. No hotel I’ve ever stayed had any native phone system’s sets in the rooms. I guess it’s above my paygrade to stay at a five-star hotel that may have digital or IP sets. I do know the Teledex markets an ‘iPhone” (surprised that didn’t hit Apple’s or Cisco’s lawyers!) that’s a generic SIP phone that functions like an analog set but works on top of an IP network.
This also shows how well the design is for the power injection and telephone line. So the analog line comes into the AC adaptor (and it plugs into the wall without taking up space!), then through that, it goes to an 8P8C or “RJ45” type of cable, flat, then it goes up to the phone as a single wire.
There was no need to use the phone though. Wired sets are seen in the lobby and areas near the elevator.