POTD: Ugly Avaya Blue Conference set – Southern New Hampshire University

We’re back in business on the ‘Gram that I put on abbreviated dial that I call Instagram!


I’m not in college, and nor do I intend to. I happen to visit Southern New Hampshire University on a semi frequent basis with meeting some great people.  (SNHU if you are not aware is in fact is a non profit university that happens to be in Southern New Hampshire, for those people who learn over the Internet from say someplace like Las Vegas and claim they are an SNHU student/grad/alumni.)

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POTD: [New Generation] Avaya Red Partner 6D Telset

Today’s Phone of the Day features a [Newer Generation] ahem “Euro Series II” Partner 6D set of a place where I spend a couple days a week with some people who help me get through my life.

I have not referred this to “Euro” or “Euro Series II” because those were obscenely bad greymarket rumors spread like motherfrecin wildfire on eBay in the early 2000s (“Euro”) and the 46xx like models in 2005 (“Euro Series II”.) I am the last to defend Avaya currently, but they would frown upon infringing the brand of the phone system. While it was common folklore that it was European inspired when AT&T did the design in 1994/1995, it’s never been officially confirmed by Avaya or it’s decedents. And yes you read that right “AT&T”. This model was released about 1995, over a year before the Lucent spinoff. Some sites like my old town’s library before to moving out in 2010 had these Euro series sets but with the AT&T brand.  So people, PLEASE do not call these sets like this one “Series II”. You’re spreading lies and misinformation!

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POTD: Analog Sets, TRYP, Midtown Manhattan, NY



This is the cordless phone at the hipster hotel I had stayed when I was in New York City back in October.  As you can tell it’s one of those Teledex, analog sets. No hotel I’ve ever stayed had any native phone system’s sets in the rooms. I guess it’s above my paygrade to stay at a five-star hotel that may have digital or IP sets. I do know the Teledex markets an ‘iPhone” (surprised that didn’t hit Apple’s or Cisco’s lawyers!) that’s a generic SIP phone that functions like an analog set but works on top of an IP network.

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POTD: Urban Outfitters – West 34th Street

Being the Avaya Red fanboy that I am, I am always happy to see any phones from the legacy AT&T/Bell System days. As I have stated before, this vendor had 90%+ of the Fortune 500 and then lost it entirely with a company with legacy roots that was 125 years old.

Taken in October of 2017, I am unable to tell what set this is, it could be a 1416 or a 1616. The second digit model numbers  what type of signaling it does to make them ether be a “telephone” or a “terminal”. Please read the section on “voice terminals” to remind yourself why your desk phone is not actually that…

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POTD: TRYP Hotel, Midtown Manhattan

In today’s installment of phones other than Cisco seen in The Big Apple, this was where I and my companion stayed during the week of the NY NAB Show. Known as TRYP (probably an acronym for “trip” though my mother called it T.R.Y.P. for a while) is a hipster themed hotel on West 35th between Seventh and Eighth. An independent franchise to Wyndham, this hotel is in one little building. I think it’s like a motel in a low rise building. There are fifteen stories and you can see the flagship New Yorker from the top.

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